About Us

Our personal commitment to the success of your project is what sets us apart from other contract laboratories.

We discuss your goals and then decide upon the best research strategy to obtain those goals.

Turnaround Time In 5 Working Days or Less...Guaranteed!
You should not have to pay more just to receive you data in a timely manner. Trust us with your samples and you'll receive your data 5 working days or less or the analysis is free*.

Quality Control Audits
You should feel confident that your work is completed in a professional manner and in a professional environment. Therefore PCL welcomes your on-site company audit. Just give us a call to schedule the best time for your visit.

Competitive Pricing
PCL supplies the highest quality data at the lowest possible price.  Let one of our friendly technical sales representatives fax or e-mail you with a quotation or click here to request more information.

Furthermore, whenever possible, analyses are conducted in triplicate at no additional charge. And run in conjunction with every sample set is a NIST traceable standard, a 'blank' instrument control and a 'blank' media control- at no extra charge.

cGLP Compliant Data
PCL is pleased to submit your data in a cGLP compliant format. That includes fireproof storage of the original data, quarterly instrumentation validation reports and FDA 21CFRPart11 compliance.

Temperature and humidity data logs, sample and reagent tracking logs, instrumentation utilization and validation logs are all stored on site and all data is electronically archived.

Cutting Edge Technology
PCL uses the most advanced micron and submicron colloidal characterization technology commercially available. We are equipped with 3 Watt and 1 Watt Argon-Ion lasers, Brookhaven Instruments ZetaPALS, FOQELS, ZetaPlus, BI-DCP, BI-200SM Research Goniometer, 90Plus, Malvern diffraction and Acorn MRI instrumentation as well as a full compliment of support instruments.

Particle Characterization Laboratories, Inc. is pleased to consider your proposal for collaborative research and publications.  We have co-authored several published manuscripts with major universities and national laboratories.  Although time does not permit the acceptance of all proposals we will consider each one with great interest.

Client Confidentially
Client confidentially is strictly observed with all projects.  Particle Characterization Laboratories, Inc. is pleased to sign your corporate non-disclosure agreement or you may download ours here and fax or mail us the signed copy.

* some restrictions apply